A video game and endless series that all kids and gamers know since the middle of the 80's, is Super Mario Brothers. Initially the title was released as the arcade game Mario Bros. in 1983. It’s successors Super Mario Bros. made the Famicon as well as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) widely successful and contributed a lot to kids spending more time in front of a monitor (or better TV set at those times).
Ever since there have been plenty of subsequent versions, for all sorts of systems, and in all kind of flavors. Especially in 3D. But the gameplay of the original title paved the way for one of the most loved genres: Jump’n Run.
It is not surprising, that gamers play Super Mario Bros. still today, and some of them have made a real science out of it. It is about Speedrun.
There are actually contests on how quickly a level or the whole game can be beaten by a player. And since it is 2021 and machine learning was applied to playing games quite early, it has - of course - been a machine on Mario's throne. Up until now…
Summoning Salt presents a beautifully performed piece of equally superbly researched work. Get yourself something to chew on the next 45 minutes and just enjoy the video of the week.