Imagesource: Kunszabo, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Unfortunately, the developer of the following project could not be identified, but the project is no less interesting because of that.
The Intel 8088 CPU from 1979 can be seen as one of the great grandfathers of modern x86 architecture. In contrast to the 8086 its external data bus is only 8bit wide (perfect), but it has the same execution unit as the 8086.
Experimenting with this CPU today without a suitable board is not trivial. But with the help of the Raspberry Pi PCB you can quickly make the steps, that would otherwise take you time on breadboards.
With 0.3 MHz the CPU doesn't run away within this construct, but it's enough for interesting experiments. Especially because a C library allows interfacing via software, and with the help of NASM assembly code can be executed directly.
In progress: a GUI, which should enable CGA/VGA graphics output. This would make the combo a very interesting target for low level development.
Exciting project.
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