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Source: https://github.com/schlae/comix-35

Time for hardware again. Yeah! Are you familiar with the COMX-35? No? It was one of the few early micro/home computers, that were powered by an RCA 1802. This chip - which is less capable than for example the later Zilog Z80 or MOS 6502 - was actually the first CMOS microprocessor. And in 1983 (when I was still running around the Christmas tree with the drums in my hand) Hong Kong based COMX World Operations Ltd. released the machine into a number of countries from Australia over Europe to the former Republic of China!

TubeTime picked up from here and built that thing again. Say an inner Welcome to the COMIX-35 Home Computer. What a beauty! 

If you are bored of all your 6502 and Z80 based homebrew projects, try something new … ehm, old I wanted to say. The 1802 is harder to program due to ... #reasons, but we love challenges, don’t we? 👋

The project is super complete, comes with schematics, a bill of materials and fab files. And should someone come up with a 3D printed case … dang.

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