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Everything XOR

Imagesource: https://unsplash.com/

Of the 16 possible boolean 2-bit operations, as is well known, not all of them really make sense (some can be used in unmentioned 8-bit CPUs but that’s a story for another day 😁). XOR isn't one of them, makes sense from the logical point of view, helps with encryption, the implementing of subtraction when you only have an adder, and probably about 81.432 million other use cases.

And just when you think there's really nothing more to learn about XOR, along comes Florian Hartmann, and proves you wrong.

Florian's article on the subject is super interesting, detailed and nice to read. So how do I exchange two register values with each other, when there is simply no free RAM cell left?

A problem I personally have all the time, and regularly gives me sleepless nights. 🥱

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