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https://c65gs.blogspot.com/ | Wikipedia

Not that things are getting quieter around the MEGA65. But especially Paul Gardner-Stephen alas @servalpaul seems to be not only very active right now, but also has a lot of time to blog.

We won't complain, as two of his articles from the last few weeks are more than worth their reading time, even if you don't own the box.

In Comparing GFX capabilities of the Mega65 and the AMIGA he clears up with quite a few prejudices, and reveals some of the MEGA65s magic. Exciting!

In his second article Composite Video for the Mega Paul goes much deeper into the details of the expansion board, which is currently under heavy development. If you have already played around with composite video and are interested in the related signal processing and a technological deep dive ... you will find it here.

Both articles are very nice reading material for a few quiet minutes.

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