Filip Szkandera did, what many of us would like to - he built his own computer from scratch 😳. I mean, from the most basic principles just using 74XX series logic chips. Not only did he achieve his goal, he built a modular and extendable RISC-V compliant machine including a small OS, a C compiler and a few programs.
The compiler was actually made by his friend Jan Vykydal, Filip used it to build a working version of Snake. Hats off! What an achievement.
And the Pineapple One is a beauty from outside. In the inside 9 stackable modules implement all necessary functionality. The machine runs at up to 500 kHz, comes with 512kB of addressable RAM as well as 512kB of separated program memory.
The best: You can build a Pineapple One yourself. You should definitely check the project out on Hackaday.
Well done Filip!
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