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Playstation 1 Via FPGA

Source: https://unsplash.com/

When members of the current generation refer to 'retro hardware', one has to accept, that for example the iPhone 1 officially registers as 'retro' already. (That is the moment where at least I start to feel old.) R-E-T-R-O … pah. 👴

So it is definitely questionable, whether the Playstation aka PSX counts as retro hardware. According to my personal chronology, it does not. Nevertheless, the following is so interesting, that we had to include it.

The developer FPGAzumSpass also known as Robert Peip announced a MiSTerFPGA based version of the … drumroll … Playstation 1.

If gaming and slightly older Sony hardware are your cup of tea, you get more information in this article written by atrac17 of the retrorgb team.

To be fair, released in 1994 one could call the PSX … retro. I admit it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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