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ROM was not hacked in a Day

Source: https://github.com/VitorVilela7/wide-snes

When was the last time, you hacked a ROM? Never? But there are plenty of people doing it. They cut open a gaming cartridge with a knife or other means of brute force, extract the ROM chip, read it out, disassemble the extracted binary into assembly language, attempt to understand the ingenuity of the creators only to humble them afterwards by improving the previously found piece of software.

Applied by the wrong people to the wrong technology ROM hacking can cause great harm. But applied to a SNES game cartridge with Super Mario World on it, it can bring tears of joy not only to your eyes. (Don't wanna talk about pants today.)

Vitor Vilela & friends did exactly that. But instead of making changes to the gameplay, they adjusted the render mechanisms such, that modern aspect ratios are finally supported. 16:9 and 16:10 work already. Ultrawide like 2:1 and 21:9 are in the making.

Who wants to enjoy this wonderful widescreen experience, needs to own the original ROM of course. In addition a cutter knife and we suggest some cut resistant steel gloves ... you know, safety first. Who wants blood splattered over the beloved SNES ☠️.

Currently the patched game can be played in bsnes-hd only. That is a fork of bsnes, which targets widescreen and true color gameplay and is available at github as bsnes-hd is.

So much fun to play Super Mario without the black bars.

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