For some, Mario is a plumber and a real disease. For others, he is an essential and defining part of video game history, with which Nintendo has shaped as many brains as probably no other game vendor in history.
That being said, Mario is just cool and the Game & Watch variant we purchased for our office last year, is still in constant use.
But matter of fact the following DIY project by Jonathas Barbosa has only a few features in common with the original Mario Bros.
The Super Mario Bros Clock on Instructables is based on an ESP32 connected to a 64x64 RGB LED matrix display.
With the help of bytes arranged in the right order in the ESP32's RAM, the whole construct turns into a clock that not only makes the heart of every Mario fan beat faster, but also has real project character and invites you to experiment.
Looking for something to tinker with? Here you go.
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