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Z80 Testing

Imagesource: https://mitsi.com/

The name Mostek might be known to you. Back in the days this company was one of the manufacturers of integrated circuits. Founded in 1969 and existing until 1985, Mostek is especially known for having invented DRAM and dominating the RAM market until the end of the 70s.

After a little bit of back and forth the company was shut down in 1985. But one fact is still interesting. Pretty much every Z80 CPU built in the 80s was tested at Mostek.

An unfortunately unknown author at Micro Technology Services Inc. has now crystalized this piece of history in black letters on a white RGB background, and gives us insights into how the Z80 but also DRAM and ROM chips were tested at that time with the help of a Fairchild Sentry 610 test system.

A piece of history and of course a piece of nostalgia. Nice to read.

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