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A Pig Quest

Imagesource: https://www.indieretronews.com/

You don't have to be a fan of the Jump'n Run genre to like the following. Antonio Savona tweeting as @tonysavon supported by MauricetAldo Chiummo and Gaetano Chiummo finally released their long awated genre epic A Pig Quest.

They already had me at Piggy 18 ... just my humor. The release for the C64 more than earned the ZZap64 Gold Medal award, and the game could be THE 2023 Jump'n Run for the breadbin. The attention to detail, graphics, sound and gameplay are more than worth the minimum $9.99 on itch.io.

As always, we are not sponsored and the project is commercial in nature. Decide for yourself if it is something for you. But if you own a C64 or C128, or like to play in an emulator, you probably won't get around this little piggy.

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