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Imagesource: Evan-Amos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

A few weeks ago we talked about Gameboy Doctor. The project of Robert Heaton - tweeting as @RobJHeaton - is more than helpful for anyone, who gets the glorious idea to implement the 500 or so OpCodes of a Gameboy in the form of an emulator of some kind on some platform of some other kind.

But at least as exciting is Robert's story, how he actually came to this project. His path - riddled with a number of stumbling blocks - actually led him to his own Gameboy emulator in Go - Gamebert. To this day not a fully functional project, but in the story behind it maybe one or the other will find her- or him-self.

And even if not, Robert's story might be enough motivation, to learn more about Assembly and the inner workings of a CPU.

Nice reading for a few free minutes.

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