Nearly every semi-nerdy computer enthusiast today has heard of Commodore. The majority of this group will also know, that there was a machine called C64 which - together with others - kicked off the home computer revolution which led to our beautiful world, where nearly everyone has one of these devices strapped in front of their face during the whole day.
But it is only a subset of this group of people who knows, that the C64 had a MOS 6510 CPU at its heart, which inherited most of its design from the MOS 6502. The processor that was built into the Apple I and Apple ][, NES, Atari 2600 and literally changed the world.
But if you ask around who, exactly was responsible for the design of these devices, only a small fraction of people will actually know the answer. Stephen Cass does.
He interviewed William D. Mensch - one of the co-creators of the 6502 back in 1975.
The interview is a short read, but worth every minute you spend. There are few people in this world, who have actually influenced the lives of so many people and left a real scratch in the universe.
If you are interested in computer history at least a bit, check out the article.
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