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C64 turning 40

Imagesource: https://hackaday.com/

Someone always has to be first. At least as far as forecasting birthdays is concerned. Because to be exact, the Commodore 64 won't turn 40 until August this year. But 40! (Where the squirrel did the time go?).

But if anyone deserves to ring in the breadbin’s birthday today, it's Bil Herd

Why? Bil was virtually part of the Commodore inventory, the only difference being that he walks and talks and does not pick up dust. In fact, Bil was a principal engineer involved in the development of the Plus/4, C16, C264 and C364. But he will go down in history as the architect of the C128.

It is all the more interesting to listen to Bil, telling his very personal story, even though you might already know all the details about the MOS6502, KIM-1, PET, VIC-20 etc. Bil's quasi-essay has just been published on hackaday.com, and the refreshingly written material is definitely worth the invested reading time.

If you haven't had enough yet, you can find the link to Bil's Discord channel in our Issue #41, where you can exchange ideas directly with him.

It will be interesting to see who will be the next in the birthday series for the tough little Commodore 8-bit machine. 🎰 

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