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Machine Code for Kids

Imagesource: https://punkx.org/

The project of Borislav Nikolov is commercial in nature, and also for this project applies: we are not sponsored, nor do we have any relationship with the author. 

But the Machine Code Card Game for Kids is just such a good idea, that we just want to support it here.

What is it about? It's a card game that allows you to simulate a very basic 4-bit computer on paper. A simple instruction set, 2 general purpose registers and a total of sixteen 4-bit memory cells as well as Turing-completeness should allow to execute pretty much anything on paper. Whether the kids want that, remains to be seen.

But in any case, they can learn how a computer works at the machine code level. Somehow I have the feeling that this (unfortunately) won't be a mega-million VC project, but if it gets just a few kids going in the right direction, it's already worth it.

See for yourself.

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