CHIP8 holds an enduring fascination. In just about every generation of computer science students, 28% come up with the idea of building a CHIP8 interpreter. And that's a good thing. How else would current game consoles experience further development if they didn't feel the ... heat on their necks 👹
But jokes aside, it is indeed the case that a whole range of CHIP8 games are genuinely captivating. Especially the limited resolution places the game principle itself at the forefront – not the graphics. (A few wonderful examples can be found in the equally wonderful CHIP8 IDE Octo, which we introduced in Issue #61.)
And anyone who has once built a CHIP8 emulator has also come a big step closer to understanding how a CPU works.
Currently, Ben Calderon aka @benjcal is dedicated to this topic. Instead of the 8496th variant in JS, he implemented his interpreter in a modern and stable language, that is not Rust: C. And Part 1 as well as Part 2 of his corresponding documentation are anything but boring.
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