At the end of the 70s, when microcomputers mostly had to be soldered together manually, there existed a number of machines, that attracted a lot of people. In particular, the Cosmac VIP and Telmac 1800 should still be familiar to some people, and user groups for both machines exist to this day on Facebook, among other places, where people simply don't give the machines a rest.
In the southern hemisphere - or more precisely in Australia - a different machine was gaining ground at the same time. The electronics magazine Electronics Australia published a series of articles dealing with the construction of a kit computer similar to those mentioned above. The Motorola 6800 based architecture had its own implementation of CHIP-8 and in a newsletter called VIPER users got new CHIP-8 programs on a regular basis.
Chip-8 itself is probably one of the most emulated virtual processor architectures. But this one by Tobias V. Langhoff stands out.
DRÖM - which is Swedish for DREAM - is a complete emulation of the machine based on LÖVE and MOON6800.
Not only the emulator itself is interesting. Tobias' Blog is a real treasure trove regarding Chip-8.
If you are already looking forward to the Christmas vacations and are looking for a software project for the holidays, DRÖM is highly recommended. 🎯
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