emuStudio is one of the most extraordinary projects of this year so far. Not that the software is brand new, actual initiation was back in 2006. But the thing flew so far under the radar, that we are really grateful to Paolo Amoroso for bringing it to our attention.
emuStudio is a universal emulation platform and framework created by Peter Jakubčo and is an excellent learning tool for anyone who wants to understand processor design and system architecture.
The software can emulate a whole range of systems. In addition to these emulation plugins, there is also a source code editor as well as corresponding compilers for the respective target architecture.
Based on the Intel 8080 as well as the Z80 a whole range of systems can be emulated. And thanks to the design self-written programs can be tested directly from the command line.
Almost passed by us, but actually a great project for every retrocomputing enthusiast.
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