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KIM-1 SIM v1.1.1

Imagesource: http://retro.hansotten.nl/

Whoever knows the KIM-1 also knows Hans Otten. And who knows Hans Otten, also knows his KIM-1 simulator.

Last fall we already reported about the first release, now the software is preparing to conquer the rest of the world with release 1.1.1. 💪

What makes the original KIM-1 so special, is its simplicity. A MOS6502 or 65C02, a hexadecimal micro keyboard for input and six 7-segment displays for output. That’s it. 

Not enough? Then you can load programs from tape and save them back to it as well. If you've always had your eye on 6502 assembly, the simulator is an excellent choice. 

Especially because it comes with a debugger, and the state of the machine is visible and traceable in every single step.

Great, great project!

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