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Game of Life in ASM on MEGA65

Imagesource: https://mega65.org/

Even if the MEGA65 is supposed to represent the never released C65 from Commodore, its CPU architecture is clearly superior to that of its predecessor C64. As with the breadbin, however, with the help of cleverly sequenced assembly mnemonics it is possible, to get much more performance out of the box, than would be the case, with one of the available high-level languages.

In addition, Assembly is just fun with the instruction set that can definitely be described as "reduced“. (That is, if you define something like that as fun for yourself. 🤓)

Dan Sanderson is riding exactly this wave right now, has taken a look at the assembler ACME, and implemented Conway's Game of Life in Assembly.

Just the thing for a cold, snowy Saturday night in winter. 😄

The whole thing works in the emulator too. "I don’t have one…" therefore doesn't count as an excuse.

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