Emulation is a topic. Always. It must have been 1991 that I was amazed by a MS-DOS Emulator for the Amiga which allowed me to run Borland Turbo Pascal on my beloved Amiga 500. It was so slow that I do not even want to imagine it nowadays, but it worked. The next quite similar experience was the introduction of VMWare for Linux - free at the time - which allowed to run Windows98 on a Linux machine. π΅
Emulation is still a topic, and this week there is more vintage magic going on in ESP32 land. Lewin Day also known as @whatuptkhere just published an article on Hackaday about simulating an IBM PC on an ESP32.
This very impressive feat was actually realized by Fabrizio Di Vittorio who gives us a video with installation instructions and access to the full source on github.
The project is super complete - keyboard, mouse, sound, graphics. And since there is a direct relation to 8bit gaming, that we will come to a bit later in this issue, it was absolutely worth noting.
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