Selling the following as news should actually be punishable by law. But I'll give it a try anyway, because we only became aware of the project for the first time this week. 😴
My namesake Jan Beta released a video on his Youtube regarding an 8-bit machine which is kind of new and old at the same time. The Colour Maximite 2 Deluxe is the dream of all those who grew up with 8 and 16 bit machines of the 80s and early 90s, and want to finally give back their lives the meaning, they thought they had lost 30 years ago.
Full credit has to go to Geoff Graham who envisioned the machine and built several incarnations of it since 2011. Geoff’s page for the Maximite might (haha) look a bit dated, but park your possible prejudices in another corner for a moment. The Maximite is no 8bit clone, it is actually powered by an ARM Cortex-M7 32-bit RISC and comes with all kinds of modern doodads.
But it resembles numerous ideas of that era and gives you back that 8bit feeling. Check the machine and enjoy Jan’s intro.
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