Another classic that might have been part of your youth or childhood is Zelda.
Among others, Zelda 3 - Link to the Past will be very well remembered by some. Unfortunately, only a console title. Right❓
Nope. Not anymore!
Thanks to an unknown creator to be found on GitHub as snesrev we can now play Zelda 3 on Windows, Linux and macOS. The reimplementation in C requires Python3 and SDL2 depending on the platform - but that should not be a problem.
A perfect match (though unfortunately only for the German speaking part of our audience) comes from the phantastic team behind The Zelda 3 Guide is available in extraordinary quality. 109 pages with all the information you need to successfully complete the adventure. 🧑🎤
Those who want to relive old times, and for whom the Zelda series has played a real role in their own digital past, will certainly get their money's worth here.
Important: You have to have the original ROM, gamefiles and assets are of course not part of the project.
Game on!
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