Anyone who regularly dances on the binary- or assembly-floor knows the problem: Conversion of numbers between binary, decimal and hexadecimal systems.
Of course, there are several solutions. But if you spend most of your free time in front of a terminal anyway, wouldn't it be ideal to have a correspondingly capable calculator available directly at the command line?
And what if this calculator could be customized to your needs, was open source, and available for download for all major operating systems?
Correct: Christmas 2.0 🎁
Our Santa Claus is called Rodrigo Mesquita aka @romesrf, but it is doubtful that he is wearing a red costume or bonnet. His project pcalc - or Programmer Calculator - is certainly on one or the other wish list, though. Get your pen already, because this entry can be crossed out directly.
Cool piece of software! Love it.
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