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Mastodon for Apple II

Imagesource: Bilby, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Amid the multitude currently discussing certain individuals (no names mentioned here), publishing platforms, the true essence of freedom of speech, and all the important daily topics, we don't wish to join in.

In my eyes, the debate around Twitter / X vs. Mastodon vs. BlueSky makes as much sense as ordering stuffed hedgehog knees at a vegan restaurant. 🦔

People are as individual as their opinions, which is a good thing. And for those drawn to the decentralized approach of Mastodon, not only is it well-deserved – but now, the retro-loving enthusiast also has the option to use the network of their choice on an Apple II.

This is thanks to Colin McMillen, also known as @colin_mcmillen@piaille.fr, and his brand new Mastodon Client.

The tool is compatible with various Apple II models, including the ][+, IIe, //c, and IIgs. It offers features like 2-factor authentication, timeline viewing, profile and thread views, image viewing, and interactions with toots.

However, it misses out on functionalities like polls, profile editing, and account creation – but who cares? It's somewhat like a wormhole between the 80s and the present time, making it all the more thrilling. 🤗

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