The charm of CPUs from the 70s and 80s is partially based on the fact that besides the instruction set, the implementation model of these transistor collections can still be understood by a single person. For everything constructed after the end of the 90’s, this is no longer the case in my opinion. And please raise your arm, who knows every single mnemonic or even the majority of them of the x86 architecture.
Fact is, since the design of the first really successful 8-bit CPUs in the mid-70s, a lot has happened in the field of CPU design and optimization. And everything that humans can't explain on the basis of their own knowledge, seems sufficiently like magic. In order to demystify exactly that, Dan Luu has dealt with the architectural CPU features, that represent the delta between the 8-bit dwarfs and modern 64-bit bolides.
For those, who like to send electrons through only few atoms thick wires with the help of their own designs, Dan's article is the perfect reference and a treasure chest filled with additional resources to deepen your knowledge. And if you're feeling spurred on now, there's another excellent video by Matt Godbolt on x86 ISA in our Fun section below.
Have fun.
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