If someone has a correct and concrete definition for retrocomputing, then please ping me. Are we simply talking about age? If so, Windows NT doesn't count in my time calculation. Neither does the Gameboy, which turned 33 a few days ago.
But what if you combine the two? Doesn't make sense? Oh yes, it does!
Thanks to a hint from netzherpes we became aware of the side project of oerg866 this week. And it's about just that - a Gameboy emulator for Windows NT - mercyboy.
Build targets besides NT are (buckle up) Windows95 and DOS. 14 games including Super Mario Land 1 & 2 have already been tested by oerg866, probably more should run. There are minor problems, but a perfect emulation is not the primary goal for implementations in this state.
What counts is to emulate one of the most popular gaming machines of its time on one of the most popular Microsoft operating systems of the same era. The primary ISA alone has 245 instructions that want to be emulated. And that's not the end of the story.
Very special, but definitely a project for a few weekends or even a few more. Great work.
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