NULL 2 Retro Handheld


What is really mean? Leaving your children standing in front of a candy store without a cent of money in their pockets and saying: Wait here, I'll be right back.

This or something similar is (unfortunately) the case with the NULL 2 Kit. Sold out. Completely. In 15 minutes.

Null 2 is a (retro) handheld console that you can build yourself. The special thing about it is, that it is based on the Raspberry PI Zero W or the PI Zero 2 and has to be assembled completely by yourself from the parts of the Tindie project. Unfortunately, the case is not part of the kit, so you have to hire a laser cutter yourself.

The team behind Ampersand has done a great job. Once the work is finished, and the pride of your work has given way to curiosity about the possibilities, the question arises as to which consoles can now be emulated. Thanks to RetroPie this should be quite a bloody lot, but unfortunately we couldn't find out, if these systems are really supported on the PI Zero W or the 2.

Curious? Jeff Geerling just posted a video on the NULL 2 on YouTube.

Certainly not a Christmas present for the kids. But maybe one for yourself?

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