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Imagesource: https://www.masswerk.at/

The PET is the PET, is the PET. Commodore's early personal computer was launched back in 1977, and if you're a tad bit older than the C64 generation, you likely owned or still own one of these devices. (Congrats!)

The PET was one of the first fully integrated computer systems, including a keyboard, monitor, and tape drive all in a single metal enclosure, and was powered by — of course — the MOS 6502. It became popular in the educational market and significantly contributed to the acceptance of personal computers in the late 70s and early 80s.

In my case, it didn't have to contribute much, since my eyes were only captivated by a television that was directly connected to a C64 via a wonderful cable from the antenna socket years later ... but that's another story, one that's still underscored in my memory with the title melody from Gianna Sisters. Oh, memories. 👯

Back to the PET: Norbert Landsteiner aka @mass_werk is a well-known name to pretty much anyone who's ever tinkered with MOS's flagship 6502 or any of its subsequent derivatives. Norbert, under his label mass:werk, has once again upped the ante, providing a wonderful emulator for the PET.

In addition to the emulator itself, Norbert also offers a small (🤧) library of programs. And since the whole thing runs directly in the browser, there's no installation standing in your way.

So there are no excuses. Let's go!

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