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Understanding Computers

Imagesource: https://cpu.land/

You know how a processor works. You've designed your 8-bit bolide as well as the corresponding ISA yourself. Wow! Next step, a fully functional and especially sensibly designed operating system that should be capable of multitasking, comes with an MMU and supports interrupts.

And there they were again, the knowledge gaps and the you-don't-know-what-you-don't-know problem.

Help comes in a truly wonderful way from an unknown hacker only known as Kognise.

Her tutorial Putting the You in CPU, created in cooperation with the Hack Club, straightforwardly covers everything from instruction set architecture to execution, the ELF Format, paging to process forking, and guides the interested reader into the topic in a competent and entertaining way.

You don't need a lot of time, you'll get through the 7 chapters and the bonus track relatively quickly, and afterwards, you'll be significantly smarter.

Great mini course! 👩‍🎓

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