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Project SPHINX

Source: MDM

There are developments that are revolutionary and far ahead of their time, but still never see the light of day. One of these developments was Project SPHINX by Russian developer Dmitry Azrikan.

Already in 1986 he developed a complex system for home automation, digital entertaining, communication, telecommuting, and even telemedicine at the VNIITE Design Institute in Saint Petersburg, which - from today's point of view corresponds exactly to the multimedia devices we use in our modern life. Especially cool is the idea of WIFI at a time when wired local area networks were still a rarity.

Author Riccardo Bianchini sheds light on the details of this development behind the iron curtain. And once again it becomes clear that creativity and inventiveness are not governed by political systems and ideologies.

An article worth reading on a piece of design and technology history in a class of its own.

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