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Retro Scams

Source: https://www.zdziarski.com/

In the fall of 2014, when Apple announced its AppleWatch, my attention fell on wristwatches again for the first time in several decades. I was less interested in the Apple device. But driven by my enthusiasm for the space age, the moon landings and everything that has to do with rocket science, I very quickly came to the desire for a truly original, very special, mechanical wristwatch from that era. What followed, was a hard learning, fakes, Frankenstein watches, and lot's of time until I was able to identify a true original. Learning: When there is a market, better do your homework before spending your money.

But what does all this have to do with Jonathan Zdziarski and retro scams? Everything!

Because exactly the same is true for video game consoles as well as game cartridges. Where there is a market, there are fakes. And if you want to be in this market, you better do your homework first. After all, if you buy a piece of hardware whose price is mainly determined by its originality and age, you quickly risk losing a whole bunch of colorful bills that you could otherwise exchange for useful things like clothes, rent and food.

Jonathan is no stranger to this problem. As an expert on iOS security, he has since been hired directly by Apple. In his wonderful article, he goes into detail about Nintendo consoles and cartridges, summarizing everything you need to know, to separate the wheat from the chaff.

You like to invest in retro hardware? Then you can't avoid this article.

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