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SID Factory II

Imagesource: https://blog.chordian.net/

SID sound is so distinctive, so C64, so 80's, so great. If I wanted to have an earworm today, I would only have to think of the intro of Gianna Sisters on the C64. But who wants an earworm? (You're welcome 😏).

If you want to compose your own SID tunes, it's already much easier than in the 80s. But the great Jens-Christian Huus and friends added one more on top a few days ago.

SID Factory II is a cross-platform composer for C64 SID files. The software does not only look tidy, it is. After only a short training period, the user interface is intuitively understandable, and the only thing standing in the way of acoustic pleasure is one's own artistic (in)ability.

Remarkable: SID Factory is available for Linux, Windows and MacOS. And even better, the whole project is open source and available on github.

Very well done Christian! Piece of art.

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