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SuperMario64 on iOS

Source: https://unsplash.com/

As a serious SuperMario64 fan you surely know the port of the game for Linux and Windows called sm64-port.

This implementation is not quite new, but considering the release date of the Nintendo64 it is still a youngster.

But now Christian Kosman has set out to port the source code to iOS and Apple hardware. And voilà: sm64ex-ios.

Seems, Christian was successful.

Of course you have to have the game assets. Who of us doesn't own the original N64 Mario ROM? 🤔 And of course there will never be an official Appstore release. But with a little bit of effort, XCode, Python and access to a Mac, you can have the game up and running on your iPhone relatively quickly.

And for those who want to see the whole thing beforehand, Christian has a demo video on Reddit.

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