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vAmiga in the Browser

Few retro systems that are still alive today, receive as much love as the Commodore Amiga. And rightfully so, as the machine was not only Commodore's drumbeat after the C64 and C128. The graphics- but especially the sound-capabilities of the girlfriend gave the machine excellent sales figures in the mid to late 80s.

Who still owns a 500 or one of its successors, can fall back on a whole series of modernizations, and quite a number of real fans actually use the Amiga platform as a daily driver today.

In issue #24 we introduced the emulator vAmiga by Prof. Dr. Dirk W. Hoffmann. Now Christian Corti has taken care of the source, adapted it for the compile target WASM, and ported vAmiga to current browsers.

vAmiga v0.7 runs in pretty much every modern browser with WASM support and is surprisingly fast. Kickstart and the Extension ROM are of course not included.

But who doesn't have the two binaries lying around somewhere in the filesystem? 🧐 After setting those up, nothing stands between you and lot’s of fun. Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Turrican ... and everything without software installation.

The project is worth a test in any case.

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