Kit computers ... a love story. I actually don't know anyone, who hasn't ordered and built Ben Eater's 6502 kit at some point ... (which rather means that I obviously don't know anyone. 😬).
But out there in the 8-bit universe there are many more such projects, and some of them come up way short in terms of attention. Wichit Sirichote is the creator of exactly one of them.
His 6502 Microprocessor Kit is just one thing - beautiful. Equipped with a keyboard, LEDs, multiple 7-segment displays, clock, RAM and EEPROM, the machine is ready for any outrage starting at 0x200.
The perfect entry into 6502 assembly experiments for all those, who neither want to solder nor break their fingers on breadboards.
And if you are looking outside the 6502 world, you will also find what you are looking for on Wichit's site. I only say Z80, 8080, 8086, 6809 etc., etc., etc.
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