When the thirst for new knowledge regarding assembly is quenched, and the MOS6502 and the Z80 instruction sets no longer rule the dreams at night, then it's time for something new.
Although the following has no direct relation to retrocomputing, it is so exceptionally good, that we just had to include it in the current issue: ASMTutor is one of the best x86 assembly tutorials I've come across.
All you need is a recent version of NASM and you're off. In the first lesson, you build functional code, assemble the good stuff, link it, and execute it already.
Lesson by lesson, you learn new instructions and very quickly find yourself doing your own experiments. For those who still have the "abstraction layer" topic from the last issue on their watch, and are not bound to the ARM architecture, this tutorial by an unfortunately unknown author might be a great resource.
Enjoy! ⌨️
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