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BBS - They’re Alive!

Source: https://xibalba.l33t.codes

BBS & 2021  - two words that simply do not correspond to each other. Right? Wrong!

Bulletin Boards are alive. In friggin’ 2021. Don’t believe me?

Try the following in your terminal: 'ssh ssh://new@xibalba.l33t.codes:44511'

It will not work properly until you use a supported terminal emulator like VTX, SyncTERM, NetRunner or iTerm on a Mac, but just a quick test in your terminal will immediately transport you back 30 years. That ANSI artwork, the contents, the feeling …

Bryan Ashby obviously feels the same. A few years ago he started working on EnigmaBBS, his very own node.js based BBS software.

Due to the fact that it’s node, it runs on nearly every system. The installation is easy and straightforward, the configuration is not. But if you want to become part of that still existing, like-underground-feeling-community, then EnigmaBBS will be your starting point.

I could not be happier that I found this. Weekend? Planned.

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