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Build Your Own MEGA65

Source: https://mega65.org/

Quality has its costs. If it’s not money, then it’s time. And the MEGA65 has been a few years in the making. And it also costs a lot of money. The first batch is sold out, the second won't be delivered until 2022, so there will be no early Christmas present for yourself, if you didn't make it onto the order list.

But there is a solution. And Steven Combs is the savior in need. Again. A couple of weeks ago Steven already published an article on how to emulate the MEGA65 on a Mac reasonably reliably. Now Steven goes one step further.

In his current article he builds a MEGA65 clone based on the Nexys A7-100T FPGA Trainer Board. A clone of the clone. 👯👯

The thing still costs a whopping 270 US thalers, but of course you can't just bring the MEGA65's electronic innards to digital life. FPGAs seem to be slowly becoming the last bastion for the survival of our beloved 8- and 16-bit systems. But anyway, if you have always been interested in the MEGA65, with the Nexys FPGA you have the chance to build one yourself.

Have fun with tinkering.

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