Prof. Dr. Dirk W. Hoffmann is awesome. The first time I stumbled across him, was when I tried his C64 emulator VirtualC64. The special thing about Dirk's software is, that it not only emulates the target correctly, but also gives you the ability to view registers, memory and flags in real time.
Now our protagonist puts one more on top: vAmiga
The same concept, but this time for the second successful machine from Commodore. The Amiga. The beta release 1.1 was published in September already. The whole thing is still in flux. But first tests make an absolutely solid impression.
And of course, with UAE and other excellent emulators, there is enough software available to bring the girlfriend back to life purely virtually. But Dirk's concept is especially to lower the barrier to entry as tidily as possible with as few settings as necessary. And that has clearly succeeded.
Unfortunately, both emulators are only available for the Mac, but if you're reading this on your beloved Apple machine right now, the trip to Dirks page is well worth it.
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