Julio Merino's EndBASIC gets competition. The idea to implement a BASIC interpreter via JS in the browser is not new. And of course, besides Julio's EndBASIC there are other incarnations of this small but mighty approach to dealing with the past. But in this case it's none other than Dusty Wilhelm Murray aka @chaos51 who throws his own implementation into the ring.
B3 BASIC (Basically Browser BASIC) definitely comes with a cool name. But it also comes with a set of features. A complete BASIC implementation is the (basic) basis. There is the possibility to load demo files from a virtual filesystem. Saving is possible via an export functionality and with the help of the 'menu' command a fine developer console is available, which provides some extras, cookies and sweets.
All around a round thing. If BASIC is your turf and you'd like to tinker with a fresh approach, take a look.
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