Imagesource: Swtpc6800, Michael Holley, via Wikimedia Commons
Real PRO's don't use a 75%, 60% or 40% keyboard. No, they get by with two keys: 0 and 1, or with a switch that can represent one of the two states.
And what machine can we think of - besides the PDP/8 - for which such a procedure was actually unavoidable? Clearly, the Altair 8800!
If you are interested in this very basic and simplistic machine, like hardware and don't want to burn your fingers while soldering, the Altaid 8800 Project might be just the right thing for you. For everyone else, there is finally a Docker container based alternative.
Jim Bennett to be found on Twitter as @jimbobbennett and Dave Glover aka @dglover should not be strangers to most. For Microsoft they both present the Altair Simulator in a video worth watching, and the matching article by Al Williams aka @awce_com offers a few lines of additional information.
Great project for anyone who has always wanted to play with the Altair 8800, but is at war with the soldering iron. (Hi 👋)
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