A bit is a bit. It can be 0. It can be 1. And as long as we do not speak of quantum systems, it is always exactly one of these well-defined states in which we find a register. At least in our universe.
But what about 1-bit LCDs? In principle it's the same! A pixel is either on or off. In between there is not much - actually nothing. And if you get the crazy idea to display graphical content under these restrictions, then you either have a screw loose or no other choice. And if one of the above is the case, then there's not much left to do besides dithering.
Or is there?
Zephray Wenting aka @zephray_wenting proves us wrong. Grayscale graphics on 1-bit LCD displays are possible! 🖼
We don't want to give away how this works, because Zephray's post clarifies all questions in detail and is definitely worth your time.
Super interesting read.
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