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FPGA based N64

Imagesource: NINTENDO

Now that's what I call a bombshell. Just a few days ago, Analogue announced an FPGA-based release of the Nintendo64, and not even 48 hours later, here it is. 🥰

But… wait a minute – not from Analogue! 💥

An unknown Australian tweeting as @UFp64 was a bit faster, presenting the very project he'd been working on for 5 years, the one that Analogue would've loved to have. Talk about a low blow, ouch.

UltraFP64 is indeed a fully functional implementation of all the necessary hardware components of the N64 in an FPGA. Whether the feature set announced by Analogue is fully replicated isn't entirely clear. At the very least, it's uncertain whether cartridges from all regions are supported seamlessly. However, if we base our judgment on the current state of the project, considering the effort over 5 years(!), the projection indicates that a genuine alternative to the real hardware might soon be available.

At the moment, there's no information on the whenhow, or if at all of an actual release, but we're intrigued. Perhaps... just maybe, we might see a collaboration, and this impressive piece of FPGA PCB donning a sleek, polished Analogue plastic casing.

We're eager to find out.

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