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Internet Artifacts

Imagesource: https://neal.fun/

There can't be an edition without an off-topic topic. No! And the topic of this edition is dangerous. Especially if nostalgia and depression lie very close to each other for you.

Neal.Fun, actually known as Neal Agarwal and tweeting as @nealagarwal, has not only indulged in nostalgia but also conducted thorough historical research.

His current project, Internet Artifacts, is not just a museum. It's a journey back in time to the beginnings of what has become a daily part of life for most of us today – the Internet.

Neal has unearthed a few gems that might make some laugh or bring tears to their eyes. Somehow, the web used to be a better, more colorful, and more free place than it is today. But let's be optimistic. Someday, someone will look back at the 2020s and say: Remember back in the good old days...

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