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#19 – Project Overflow

Imagesource: https://punkx.org/

October brought proof that digital technology can be applied to cardboard and paper in a playful and clever manner at the same time. Sounds odd, but it was true.

In Issue #46, we showcased a unique treat. Borislav Nikolov, who can be found on GitHub here, released his intriguing card game, Machine Code for Kids, almost two years ago. What a brilliant idea. ♠️

In October, Borislav was back with something even more compelling. His creation takes the complexity and fun a notch higher:

Overflow is designed to teach buffer overflows in computing.

Players aim to craft a shellcode in memory by copying instructions and exploit a buffer overflow to override an opponent's return address, leading them to a game_over() function. The game also introduces new strategies, like setting exception handlers or monkeypatching. 🙉

All participants share the same memory and execute the same program, taking turns to execute 10 instructions each. There's no virtual memory, and each player's stack pointer starts at a different point. The game can be played both on paper or online – either with a friend or solo.

It's an ingenious game concept that requires an appetite for complexity to truly appreciate!

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