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#1 – TRS-80 Emulator

Imagesource: Rama & Musée Bolo, via Wikimedia Commons

January started with one of the machines, I wish I had. The TRS-80. Actually it started with an emulator, so everbody, their grandma and me can enjoy this little beauty without having to heat up the soldering iron on a mission to re-cap the original hardware.

George Phillips – the creator – doesn't necessarily make a big fuss about his projects, and that's actually a pity. Because besides his TRS-80 Emulator, there are quite a few other interesting things going on on his site.

But let's stay on the topic. Of course, there are a number of pieces-of-software-that-wants-to-be-hardware™ for the Trash80. But at least we haven't found anything that complete yet.

Model I, Model II, Model III, Model 4, Model 4P, Model 4D, Model 12, Model 16 and Model 6000 are all supported more or less accurately. The list of features is longer than my Christmas wish list, and besides a backward compatible Windows version the ZIP archive also contains versions for MacOS, Linux and the RasPi.

Reading is silver, testing is gold. Nothing to lose here, only to gain. Thanks George and Peter! Great stuff.

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