When we wanted to try out the Dragons Lair version for the Apple IIgs last week, we realized that we don't own an Apple IIgs at all. Bad luck. Bad luck. 🥹
So we had to use gsplus on the Mac, a somewhat older but very stable emulator. Nevertheless the procedure was a bit ... painful. Find an HD image, mount, format, install GS/OS and get Dragons Lair into the machine. In the end it was worth it, but we probably would have had a lot more fun with the real hardware.
It would have been even more fun, if we had the AppleSqueezer available. The project replaces the original 65816 CPU of an Apple IIgs and brings along a dramatically increased clock speed as well as an expansion of the RAM to 14Mb.
The installation is very simple. Extract the original CPU, put the AppleSqueezer in its place, and you're done. To enjoy the martial 14Mb of memory, you need a patched version of GS/OS, but otherwise all software should run as before. Only better. 🙌
The project by Niek van Suchtelen and his Apple II GS Enthusiasts is indeed a great enhancement for the IIgs. And if you - unlike us - own the hardware, check it out.
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