Pico-8 - the mother of all fantasy consoles - has been our guest several times. The same goes for competitors like Tic-80 and others, which offer similar functionality. But in terms of completeness and portability, Pico-8 is unbeaten.
A small drop of bitterness is the price of $14.99, which in my eyes is more than fair and absolutely justified. So it is even more pleasing that the developers of lexaloffle have now decided, to offer a free browser-based version for the education sector.
And voila: Pico-8 Edu ⬅️
Those familiar with Pico-8 will get to grips with it straight away. And the Edu version has a number of demos available to load, run and inspect.
The genius of Pico-8 is the easy programmability in Lua as well as the integrated editors for sprites, maps, sounds and tracks. You can hardly build anything faster and easier. And thanks to the edu version now also for all those, whose pocket money stint hangs on the goodwill of parents. 🤑
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