Imagesource: necro

Beautiful things are simply beautiful. And because it's so beautiful to have so many beautiful things, we'd like to put some of those beauties in today's issue.

ASCII and ANSI Art is an inherent part of retrocomputing. In times when graphics didn't have enough space in memory when packaged as thousands of pixels with a color value each, one inevitably had to make use of pre-defined characters and a limited palette from a ROM. But as is often the case, this very limitation had challenged and encouraged creativity, and the PixelArt scene has a lot of wonderful things to offer for the eye in the form of ASCII art until today. 🖼

A special collection has been put together by the team behind Sixteen Colors.

Their project invites you to rummage around, and if you don't find something to satisfy your brain and eyes, you can't really be helped.

An incredibly nice collection for the friend of colorful, organized ASCII characters. If you don't know it yet, don't miss it, there are some of the most extraordinary pieces in there.

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